Jan started his career as an Engineer with SA’s largest Telecommunications company. His leaderships skills were recognized early in his career when he became the youngest Manager to be promoted to Area Manager in the Western Cape.
During this time Jan was involved in the planning and management of substantial infrastructure projects and the associated Capital budgets as well as the management of a large staff compliment. He registered as a Professional Engineer with ECSA in the early 90’s, but “de-registered” recently due to his non-involvement in Engineering activities.
Over the past 7 years, Jan has been actively engaged in the provision of recruitment and selection services to companies primarily in the Manufacturing, Petro-chemical, Construction, Off-shore Mining and Engineering sectors. He has effectively guided his clients in the appointment of Technical (IT & Engineering) and Management staff, successfully placing Project Managers, Financial Managers, Logistics Managers, Business Development Managers, Construction Executives as well as Artisans and Engineers in all disciplines.
Jan is able to show a track record of considerable success in the placement of high calibre personnel, accomplished through his passion for helping people, his perseverance, his thoroughness, his ability to judge character and the urge he has to please his clients.