Recruiter Tips for Preparing a CV

Career Advice, Creating a CV

The next step, preparing your CV! Think of this as your passport to success – too little detail and your VISA application could be rejected; long before you have even reached the boarding gates!

Preparing your CV is all about the attention to detail and recruiters cannot stress this enough – so pay attention to our do’s and don’ts:

* First up remember that recruiters have to read through tons of CVs so you want to catch their attention on page 1 of your CV.

#KeyTip Make sure your name, residential area, contact details (phone and email), the highest level of education, citizenship and value profile (statement on the sort of work you do particularly well) are listed on page 1.

* Recruitment is a game of KEYWORDS, make sure you list your skills using the appropriate and correct keywords. This will make finding your CV in a pool of 1000’s easier.

* Highlight your correct job titles – please don’t make up fancy-schmancy names recruiters won’t be able to find you in their search

* Summarise your employment history . Close the gaps – if there are gaps between employers close them. No, don’t lie but explain them. We all are human and life happens.

You will be surprised about what your Employment History  Says About You

* List your responsibilities and highlight your skills associated with the most recent 5-8 years in some detail – take this as your moment to shine, tell us about your achievements and once again be sure to use your industry terms. The roles preceding this period can be dealt with in less detail, no one has the time to read a 14 page CV.

* Qualified? Don’t hold back, in fact, include the software packages you have mastered.

#KeyIT professionals use an IT skills matrix describing the tools/systems/software and the level of competence (1=Poor; 2=Basic; 3=Good; 4=Very Good; 5=Master).

* Use bullet points.

#KeyTips Recruiters see the same mistakes often – Avoid these common Mistakes and read the blog!
